Wednesday, February 4, 2009

On exposition

People ask me if there is room in a flash fiction story for exposition.

In skillful hands, exposition might be arousing. However, if you mean "discourse or an example of it designed to convey information or explain what is difficult to understand," then there is little room for that in a flash.

Think a postage stamp. The price and the picture and a bit of glue and nothing else, yet it does carry your thoughts from point A to point B.


Nancy D'Inzillo said...

When reading You Have Time for This, I was consistently amazed how concise a story can be. I'm quite long-winded in my own fashion. I love the book, and will actually be pitching it to a local gift store soon as a title I think would go well in their shop. Good to find you ... or more, have you find me.

Unknown said...

Welcome, Nancy. Maybe you want to check out my new novel-in-flashes "My Life at First Try?"